Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bed B3 family room window

Mid June: Family room bed most recently.  Mulched and weeded.  
late April: I was happy to see some flowers after a long winter.

I thought the tall plant there in the center was going to be a cool perennial flower, but it got spindly and the tiny blue flowers were very disappointing.  Needless to say, I yanked it.

How do I hide this thing!?!?

Post-weeding, post bulbs, not much left.....

These hostas are in full sun!  What were the previous owners thinking??
We have these huge windows at the family room with a bed in front.  It turns out that after the daffodils and tulips faded there wasn't much left except for a pretty pink peony, a couple small lavender plants, a couple misplaced hostas (FULL SUN!), a butterfly bush, and a small hydrangea.  I am making this into my cutting garden and have added 3 coneflowers, and 3 gallardias.  Now I need to move out those hostas since they are already fried and figure something out to cover that green sewage pump thing.  I also plan to add a rainbarrel in the corner by the butterfly bush.