Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fountain grass clipped

Yesterday I hedge trimmed the fountain grass (at least I think that is what you call it).  Thanks to Mac for the hedge trimmer loan.  We have one gigantic one midway down our driveway.  The clippings filled up four trash cans. Every time I trim it back I am disgusted by the concrete "pond" that was put in next to it.  Luckily, it was so poorly made that it shouldn't be too much work to sledge hammer it to pieces.  Unfortunately, it'll be hard to find a time to do that since I can't have my babies outside with me to help.

The location of the grass clumps is also messy.  There are two against the back yard fence, one midway down the driveway, and one at the bed near the street.  I'd like to split the gigantic one, and put them all together, but I'm not sure where....

For now, on to butterfly bush pruning and veg garden prep.  I can't wait for the warm weather!

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